Join in the city-wide holiday fun!
We would like to invite you to participate in our 7th Annual Christmas Tree Festival!
You can find a complete listing and map of all this year’s tree, as well as our scavenger hunt form, here! Complete our scavenger hunt for your chance to win one of our many prices!

You can also win a prize by participating in our Selfie Contest! Take a picture of yourself with your favourite tree and post it to Facebook, Twitter, and/or Intagram with the hashtag #PoCoTreeFest. Feel free to tag us @pocoheritage!
Don’t forget to tell us which is your favourite tree by casting your vote at Poco Heritage

Christmas is only a few days away, some of the radio stations in town have started playing Christmas songs and Ann, with the quality help of Doug and Ian and perhaps others, have put our Christmas tee up in the main hall opposite the main entrance of the PCCC. As you can see our tree looks great.
Cast YOUR vote for our tree! Vote by writing down the number of the tree from the card hanging on the tree and drop off at Heritage on McAllister Street. [Edit: added by WebMistress]
Our thanks to Ann, Doug and Ian and anyone else involved for the hard work of putting up and decorating the tree. If you have had a chance to get down to see our tree and all of the other trees in the center, I recommend that you do. When I was there a number of other organizations were putting up their trees. The PCCC will soon be a very festive place. It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas but I hope the only snow we get stays on the mountains.
Ian, Doug and I put up the Board Christmas tree. Now we need some support from the members. Vote for OUR tree. Vote by writing down the number of the tree from the card hanging on the tree and drop off at Heritage on McAllister Street.
[Edited Ann’s comment for clarity and intent – WebMistress]
I have added some pictures of activities and personalities to our tree. It looks much more festive now. Vote by phoning 604 927-8403 or e mail Perhaps the WebMistress will add an updated photo of our Wilson Centre Seniors Advisory Association Board tree?
I phoned and voted for OUR TREE. There is no number just the title, WCSAABoard. It looks so much more festive with the pictures on it. I hope that we will have a more recent picture posted on the website soon.