Emergency Preparedness Workshop

I attended the City of Port Coquitlam’s Emergency Preparedness Seminar this past Saturday. The session is free and covers all the information you need in order to be safe during an emergency such as a power outage, severe storm, flood, fire, earthquake, chemical spill or other incident. The guide provided covers steps to take BEFORE, DUIRING and AFTER a disaster to be safe, and how to start the recovery process.
Personal Preparedness covers local hazards, earthquake preparedness and more.
Rapid Damage Assessment covers how to identify unsafe conditions in a single-family dwelling.
Basic Fire Suppression includes hands-on training on how to properly use a fire extinguisher and when to use one.
Light Urban Search and Rescue covers how to help someone trapped in a home during a disaster.
Emergency Contacts are an important part of any emergency preparedness plan and should be far enough away or out of province so that it is unlikely that they will be affected by the same event. As unlikely as it may seem long-distance service is not affected in the same way as local calls.
The False Creek Community Centre has been designated as a shelter in case of emergency. If there is an emergency the building will be assessed for damage and once deemed safe will be a place residents can go to seek emergency assistance.

The Emergency Preparedness link is on our resources page.
Gwendoline Turpin, VP, WCSAA

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