Happy DOSE

Happy DOSE was written on the whiteboard and the presenter went on to explain what she meant. Happy Dose is a term she wanted us to remember to help us stay healthy. DOSE means Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins. I will try to impart the wisdom the young lady gave …

Thanks for the Tree

Join in the city-wide holiday fun! We would like to invite you to participate in our  7th Annual Christmas Tree Festival! You can find a complete listing and map of all this year’s tree, as well as our scavenger hunt form, here! Complete our scavenger hunt for your chance to …

If you Fall

In a previous post, we talked about Fall Prevention, but the unfortunate reality is that many of us will fall. So if you fall, what you should do. The National Institute on ageing has some good tips to help you if you fall. If you do fall, stay as calm as …