Updated Information

This is an email I received from City Staff, and I thought I would share but we don’t inundate you with information but it is important to have up-to-date and accurate sources of information. Corona Virus Information: City of Port Coquitlam Updates:  https://www.portcoquitlam.ca/city-services/community-safety/emergency-preparedness/pandemics/covid19/ Government of Canada: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/campaigns/seniors.html COVID Updates, Prevention and Risk, …

Virtual Travel ideas

We are in lockdown and we are practising physical distancing, but if you have an imagination virtual vacations are open to everyone with an Internet connection. Whether you need an antidote to cabin fever or are pining for the flavours of a favourite destination, here are eight ways to travel …

Port Coquitlam Closes Community Facilities Effective Immediately

PORT COQUITLAM, BC – Mar. 16, 2020, 9 a.m. …Effective immediately, the City of Port Coquitlam is closing community facilities  including the Port Coquitlam Community Centre, Hyde Creek Centre, Terry Fox Library, Outlet and the Gathering Place. Services are also being limited at City Hall and other city facilities to …

Leisure Pool Opening

Wilson Centre Seniors were the first to experience the features of the new Leisure Pool with a water aerobics class and swim session for Wilson Centre Seniors ahead of the official opening on Saturday. The Mayor was on hand to officially welcome us to the pool and media were also …