Want to advertise on our site? We offer image ads that appear in rotation on most pages. Rates are $xx.xx monthly. Please submit your graphic in JPEG or PNG format, no larger than 160 pixels wide x 250 pixels high. If you like we can create a temporary placeholder ad to get your message out while you create your ad image.
Your advertisement will appear at the top right of the website home page. Ads display in random order, changing when the page is refreshed. Clicking on a slide will open the web page related to your ad. You cannot control the frequency or sequencing of your ad.
Your ad must be a single JPEG or PNG file, 160 pixels wide and no more than 250 pixels high. Ads significantly larger or smaller than this may be rejected. We may resize ads as required within limits. Your ad may contain any graphic or textual information, such as a business card scan, logo, slogan, short message etc. You must also provide a working URL, such as a link to your website. Clicking anywhere on the image will take your viewer to that URL.
Temporary placeholder ads
We can create a temporary text-only ad from your business name and up to 25 words of text. As these are temporary placeholders, design is at our own discretion.

You are responsible for the accuracy and content of your submission. All ads are subject to the final approval of the site administrator. Ads must conform to the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards. Ads can be changed as often as you like.
Submitting your ad
Email your ad and its accompanying URL using our Contact Us form. We will install it upon approval. If you need a placeholder ad, include the text or message you’d like to have displayed.