Sometimes the telephone is not enough, we need to see people. Seniors are aware of the importance of how to use social media to communicate as 90% of how we communicate and build relationships is through visual cues, not oral cues. Seniors should be able to use social media to entertain and educate while safely using the tools they have in their possession. Self-isolating is upsetting and can be harmful to elders, so to fight social separation many seniors could use social media tools. The concern is that countless seniors don’t.
Each video has a number of tips and tricks geared to help seniors gain a better understanding of social media. If you know a senior or are a senior who wants to learn to use social media videos, we have selected links that can help you learn how to stay in touch with your loved ones using social media.
The second series has a strange name for a series on how to use social media, it is called Napoleon’s Idiot, but it is a very good series. The series is about a number of conversations between a father and his daughter about social media. The father asks the questions he has and that members from his retirement home have and she answers the questions clearly in detail and it is entertaining to watch the interactions between the two. They share the screen as a video as she walks him through the answers to his questions
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We have selected some videos out of the 51 video series:
Teach your Parents New Technology with a Renewed Mind 5 things you can do to help your parents/grandparents learn new technology:
1. Don’t buy them a new device and leave them high and dry
2. Allow them to touch it, feel it, and operate it
3. Don’t assume they know what you’re talking about
4. Find out what they want to do on their device
How to Change my Facebook Password Changing your Facebook password every 6 months is highly recommended in this Episode of Napoleon’s Idiot.
Getting Rid of and Disabling Facebook Messenger Chat Heads Want to know how to get rid of and/or disable those Facebook Messenger Chat Heads, the answer is here.
Can’t Comment on Post on Facebook? This is why! If you see a post and want to comment sometimes you can and sometimes you cannot, this video explains why you can’t comment on a public post and how can you can make it to where no one can comment on your post.
Facetime vs Skype – What’s the Difference This video explains the difference between the two and actually shows how Facetime works.
How to hide the city you live in on Facebook – Staying Safe Online This video shows you how to hide the city you live in on Facebook and get even more private on Social networking sites.
Explaining the Difference between Instant Messaging and Messaging on Facebook This video explains the difference between Instant Messaging and sending a Message as you would an email.